Thanksgiving Father / Son Whitetail Hunt
Only $750… Dad included!
Call William at 334-467-1830 or email us now to book.
Hunt is 3 days over Thanksgiving weekend. Arrive at 1pm on first day & depart 12 noon on last day!
- Son or Daughter (shooter) 15 yrs or under may qualify.
- Dad, Grandad, Mom, adult, etc. to hunt with child.
- Only 1 gun per stand.
- Take 1 doe or 1 buck (6 pt or better).
- Dad can shoot a deer, but will be charged an additional $375 per deer.
Costs: Only $750.00 after discount (includes guide, meals, & lodging for 1 adult & 1 child)
Optional Extra costs: Game Cleaned $25, Guide Gratuity Appreciated, Additional Guests $75/day.

10 yr old Bryant – Awesome Job!

Hope’s 1st buck… a 10pt! Great job, Hope!

She is hooked on hunting after taking her 1st deer!
“Thank you for the great hunting trip we will definitely do again next year my daughter and husband had an awesome time.” – Toni White